W3C Workshop ― RDF Next Steps。投稿締切は4月4日。参加申込締切は6月18日。

RDFのお膝元、W3C Semantic Web Activity主催のワークショップが開催されます。その名も、"RDF Next Steps"


W3C Workshop ― RDF Next Steps

Dan Brickleyも、Péter Mikaも出ますよ。要注目です。といっても、会場はアメリカ、スタンフォードにあるNational Center for Biomedical Ontology (NCBO)。ネタがある方、ぜひ投稿を!

Important Dateは以下のとおり。

2010-04-04 Deadline for submission of your statement of position papers, requirements for participation.
2010-05-16 Acceptance notifications and registration instructions sent.
2010-06-13 Deadline for the final papers sent in for the conference. Program and accepted postition papers are posted on the workshop website.
2010-06-18 Deadline for registration.
2010-06-26 Workshop Begins (9 AM)
2010-06-27 Workshop Ends (5pm)
2010-07-20 Conference minutes and deliverables posted on the workshop website.